"Save" is on the "File" menu in case you want to save without quitting. "Auspice" automatically saves when you Quit. There is also a "Preference" menu item choice to automatically save every time you make any change to reminders or add a new reminder. (Note that "custom" holidays discussed below are stored in a separate Preferences file and changes to them are not saved until you quit Auspice.)
-- Multiple data files --
Normally Auspice is used with only one data file - "Auspice Data". However, via the File Menu, the application can open or create additional data files. Be aware that Auspice can only have one file open at a time and that is the only file from which you will receive reminders. When you start Auspice it will automatically open the file which was open when you last quit.
-- Windows --
The position and size of the windows are saved when you quit so that the new position and size will be used the next time you run Auspice. Auspice also remembers which windows were open when you quit.
-- Find --
The "Find..." menu item allows you to search your reminders for any part of a date, time, or message. The search starts with the first reminder. If a match if found, the listing window is scrolled to the reminder which matched and the "Find" button changes to "Find Next" so you can continue searching for other matches. The search is not case sensitive.